We are helping to save the blue-footed bobby!

About us

My name is Will and I am 18 and live in Arlington, MA. I learned about birds six years ago from my 5th grade science teacher, Mr. Banister. I found out that the blue-footed booby population had fallen 60% and decided to try and find a way to help. So for the past six years my little brother Matty and I have been selling blue socks to raise money for them.

When you buy a pair of our blue socks (the same color as the blue-footed booby’s feet) the money will go towards helping the blue-footed booby population. We don’t keep any of the money for ourselves. So please, buy a pair!

We invite you to watch the interview we did on Fox 25 News and to read this article about us by The National Audubon Society.

Blue Feet in the news

WBZ Radio Interview

interviews with matt shearer

The Christian Science Monitor

Article: “Saving the blue-footed booby,
one pair of socks at a time”

Gloria Barron Prize

We were honoured as one of the 2019

The TJ Show

we were on the TJ Show on Boston’s
103.3 AMP Radio

2017 Presidents Environmental Youth Award (PEYA)

We won the PEYA from the United States
Environemntal Protection Agency (EPA)

NatGeo: 100 ways to make the world better

#19 is take action and is our story!

Mentioned at the United Nations

On World Wildlife Day 2017, our story was told at the United Nations as part of a high level discussion called "Listen to the young voices - presentations on the role of the youth in protecting wildlife"

Points of Light

Article: “8 young people who are changing
the world!”

Boston News

Article: “Arlington brothers' bright blue socks
raising funds for threatened bird”.

Audubon Society

Article: “Two Brothers Want to Save boobies
by Turning Your Feet Bright Blue”.

John Muir Association

We received the 2017 John Muir Youth
Conservation Initiative Award!

The Boston Globe

Article: “Brothers jump into sock business feet

Action for Nature Award

Honorable mention

American Birding Association

Article: “Send Us Your Conservation Milestones!”

The Galapagos Conservancy

The Galapagos Conservancy 2016
Member Highlight

Everyday with Erin

Article: “BLUE FEET FOUNDATION // Socks to
Save Birds”.

Learn about the blue footed-booby

Blue-footed boobies are one of the most interesting and unique birds in the world, and their cool coloration makes them stand out from the crowd. While they may look like something out of a cartoon, these birds are very real and absolutely fascinating!

Save the blue-footed booby, one sock at a time!