Our partners
and their

We are partnering with The Galapagos Conservancy and The Charles Darwin Foundation to help support the blue-footed booby. Check them out and donate by either buying socks or go to their websites!

The Galapagos Conservancy is using the money to sponsor Professor Dave Anderson, the world expert in blue-footed boobies, of Wake Forest University to go to the Galapagos and study the blue-footed booby population decline. It has fallen from 20,000 birds in the 1960’s to 6,500 birds.

Here is what they know so far (we get a shout out!).

Here is a blog by The Charles Darwin Foundation from when I got to visit the Galapagos. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see a blue-footed booby up close!

Photo by: Daniel Unda, CDF.

This poster is from the research we’re helping to fund!

New socks maker!

We’re happy to announce that Kapitex is our new socks maker! Kapitex is a sock maker in Ecuador since 2002.  Read more about them on their site!